
Serkland counts among its shareholders both seasoned investors and business leaders with the capacity to steward large and complex investments in Iran’s dynamic economy.


Omid Gholamifar

Founder and CEO

Omid Gholamifar has fifteen years of experience investing around the world, with a passion of adding operational value to companies. He has invested in Iran since 2014 and is based in Tehran since 2016. In 2015, Omid served as an advisor to Procuritas Partners, Sweden’s first private equity fund. Omid was previously Portfolio Manager at Labrusca managing assets of EUR 300 million. Prior, he was Portfolio Manager at Skagen, overseeing USD 7 billion. Omid began his career as a practicing lawyer at Vinge and Faskin Martineau DuMoulin. He holds a Master of Laws from Lund University and a Bachelors in Commerce from the University of British Columbia.


Andreas von der Heide

Shareholder and Chairman

Andreas von der Heide is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Consilio International. Previously he was President and CEO of the International Council of Swedish Industry (NIR). Prior to that, Andreas was a Senior Vice President and General Manager for Industrial Cooperation at Saab. Andreas is a graduate of Stockholm University.


Frank Belfrage

Shareholder and Board Member

Frank Belfrage has a long and distinguished career in the Swedish Foreign Service with ambassadorial posts in Brussels (EU) and Paris. As State Secretary he negotiated Sweden's accession in 1995  into the European Union. He served as Deputy Foreign Minister from 2006 to 2014.